Karlovy Vary

Karlovy Vary

James Bond meets (or stays at) The Grand Budapest Hotel!
As a movie fan you've probably seen Wes Anderson's movie "The Grand Budapest Hotel" and you've also probably fallen in love with the colors, the scenes, the buildings in this charming film. The film crew was inspired by the small Czech healt resort Karlovy Vary (Czech for "Carl's Baths").



Caucasus: close up and personal...
A 2-day trip into the Caucasus to the remote Georgian settlement of Kazbegi, just a few kilometers off the Russian border and a three-hour drive from Tbilisi.



Gibraltar is not (only) a monkey business!
See for yourself by joining me on a day trip to and through Gibraltar, the windy British Overseas Territory!



A day (or two) in Liechtenstein.
Let's explore the Principality of Liechtenstein. It has the size of Washington, DC but has a lot to offer!

Buffalo(ve), NY. Downtown Buffalo & Allentown (1/4)

Buffalo(ve), NY. Downtown Buffalo & Allentown (1/4)

First half of Day 1
In the first part of our Buffalo area tour we're exploring downtown Buffalo and Allentown. Our itinerary includes St. Paul's Cathedral, Buffalo City Hall, Shea's Performing Arts Center and loooots of churches on our way to and from Allentown & Elmwood Village!

Let's Tbilisi!

Let's Tbilisi!

Twenty recommended landmarks of Tbilisi one should see.
Our 1-day trip to Tbilisi will show us Rustaveli Ave, Tbilisi SIoni Cathedral, Old Tbilisi, Mariqala Fortress, Mother Georgia, Mtatsminda Park (and the Tbilisi TV Tower), Tsminda Sameba Cathedral, Rike Park and more... Get ready!

Welcome to wheREISEmil

Welcome to wheREISEmil

Welcome to whereisemil.eu!
Tadaaa, my new personal site that gathers a couple of my passions under one roof: travelling and photography!